Heli Ahlsten


Heli Ahlsten, sertifioitu doula (DONA, Doules), imetysohjaaja (WHO), sertifioitu synnytysvalmentaja (Lamaze), diplomivyöhyketerapeutti. 

Heli on doula, imetysohjaaja,  synnytysvalmentaja ja vyöhyketerapeutti. Heli on kahden lapsi äiti. Hänellä on oma toimitila Espoossa Olarissa (Komeetankatu 1). Helin palveluihin kuuluvat doulapalveluiden vyöhyketerapeuttinen raskaushieronta, synnytykseen valmistava hoito, vyöhyketerapeuttinen ja Baby Balance vauvahieronta sekä kaikenikäisille tarkoitettu vyöhyketerapia. 

Heliin ja hänen palveluihinsa voit tutustua nettisivuilla www.helinhoitohuone.fi sekä
Instagramissa @helinhoitohuone ja Facebookissa @helinhoitohuoneespoo .


Palvelut: doulaus, vyöhyketerapia

Kielitaito: suomi & englanti.

Tarjoan palveluita: Koko Uusimaa


Vyöheterapeuttinen raskaushieronta

”Kovat liitoskivut helpottivat vyöhyketerapeuttisen raskaushieronnan myötä ja pystyin taas liikkumaan ja nukkumaan.” -Anna

Synnytykseen valmistava hoito

”Mahdollistit minulle korjaavan ja voimaannuttavan synnytyskokemuksen esikoisen pitkän synnytyksen jälkeen. Synnytys kesti vain 5 tuntia ja uskon hoitosi auttaneen tähän paljon!” -Laura

Vyöheterapeuttinen vauvahieronta

”Aivan ihana kokemus – Heli on lempeä hoitaja ja vauva nautti hieronnasta kovasti. Seuraava päivä olikin oikein rauhallinen ja vauva nautti ennätyspitkistä unista kun masu ei enää vaivannut.” -Elli


 ”I had different thoughts/worries/concerns regarding childbirth and talking to you provided a framework to contemplate them, think about them and taking care of them.  It made me feel more confident and calm knowing that I had your support during pregnancy and childbirth. Being able to talk to you by message when having some concerns was very reassuring. Everytime I wrote to you, you answered quite fast.

During active labor, your presence felt very good as I felt calmer and I knew my husband and I had your support. Your suggestions for what Jesse could do to help me with contractions were very helpful. 

It was very helpful to be able to write to you whenever I had some doubts regarding breastfeeding, baby’s belly button or some other stuff. I am very grateful for that.

You were very kind and friendly with all the members of our family. And you provided with lots of information, tools, and books that you thought I could need to prepare myself better for childbirth. During labor and birth you were very supportive and respectful. Definitely, your presence and your work made my journey much better, more positive, and calmer.” -Fatima




Vyöheterapeuttinen raskaushieronta

”Kovat liitoskivut helpottivat vyöhyketerapeuttisen raskaushieronnan myötä ja pystyin taas liikkumaan ja nukkumaan.” -Anna

Synnytykseen valmistava hoito

”Mahdollistit minulle korjaavan ja voimaannuttavan synnytyskokemuksen esikoisen pitkän synnytyksen jälkeen. Synnytys kesti vain 5 tuntia ja uskon hoitosi auttaneen tähän paljon!” -Laura

Vyöheterapeuttinen vauvahieronta

”Aivan ihana kokemus – Heli on lempeä hoitaja ja vauva nautti hieronnasta kovasti. Seuraava päivä olikin oikein rauhallinen ja vauva nautti ennätyspitkistä unista kun masu ei enää vaivannut.” -Elli


 ”I had different thoughts/worries/concerns regarding childbirth and talking to you provided a framework to contemplate them, think about them and taking care of them.  It made me feel more confident and calm knowing that I had your support during pregnancy and childbirth. Being able to talk to you by message when having some concerns was very reassuring. Everytime I wrote to you, you answered quite fast.

During active labor, your presence felt very good as I felt calmer and I knew my husband and I had your support. Your suggestions for what Jesse could do to help me with contractions were very helpful. 

It was very helpful to be able to write to you whenever I had some doubts regarding breastfeeding, baby’s belly button or some other stuff. I am very grateful for that.

You were very kind and friendly with all the members of our family. And you provided with lots of information, tools, and books that you thought I could need to prepare myself better for childbirth. During labor and birth you were very supportive and respectful. Definitely, your presence and your work made my journey much better, more positive, and calmer.” -Fatima